Building Community

Building Community

Welcome to our community Page, our intention with this page is to share our knowledge of healing and wisdom, and connect to other like minded humans. 

How universal and how personal .. what we've all been through these past couple of years, and yet we find we have drifted further from each other, divided and depressed. And yet there is always hope, a gentle whisper in the darkness, its why we do what we do. Lean into the healing, fight fiercely for our small business, for in person services which connect us, for our independent contractors and other independents. It's that we believe in our core that the people with prevail and protect this planet and learn to live in harmony and in service to each other, and to our earth and all her beings in respect and reverence for all her garden. 

We have done the healing work for over 20 years on a personal level, and now we must elevate, we must heal globally, individually. We must find each other and hold each other up. We must find like minded community. 

We are the green revolution